Data Products

This website provides access to the raw data and to several high-level data products from the STEREO and SOHO missions. Currently, we provide products from the Sun Earth Connection and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) imagers and the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraphs (LASCO). The site will be updated as new data products become available.

SECCHI Products   LASCO Products   VAULT2.0 Data


This archive offers access to level_zero FITS files for the SECCHI telescopes, except EUVI where we provide the wavelet-processed images.

We also provide the following data products:


The site provides access to the level 0.5 FITS files from the LASCO telescopes from 2007 to present.

We plan to provide access the LASCO CME Mass Catalog in the near future.

VAULT2.0 Data

VAULT2.0 Data provides access to the data (in FITS and IDL save file formats) from the VAULT2.0 flight on 9/30/2014.